Step 1
Once you have submitted this registration form, a member of our Training Coordination Team will be calling you to verify your information. Once completed, you may also continue to with steps 2 & 3 below to pay your tuition fees and submit required documentation.
If you would be more comfortable completing this information on a secure website, you can do so on this webpage.
If you would rather provide this information through an alternative method rather than online, please contact our Training Coordination Team at 434-296-8600. We would be happy to assist!
Step 2
Tuition Payment
Here you can submit your payment information for your Riflecraft Course. Rest assured that your information is being submitted on an encrypted form. You may also use this secured webpage if you prefer. Additionally, if you would be more comfortable we would be happy to take your payment information over the phone. Feel free to call us at 434-296-8600.
Before submitting payment, you will need to have completed the Registration Form above. If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We stand ready to assist you!
Step 3
Document Upload
Every APO Riflecraft course requires some important documentation prior to your attendance. This information must be uploaded no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of your Riflecraft Course. Please contact our Training Coordination Team for other methods of submission if you prefer.
If you would prefer to upload this information on a secure webpage, please visit here.
Before uploading documents, you will have need to complete our registration form above. If you need any assistance in this process or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or call us at 434-296-8600.